Friday, August 26, 2011

An apology

Before continuing with my blog…first an honest apology for my delinquency in posting. My sister first suggested I keep a blog to keep friends and family apprised of our adventure, and I half-heartedly considered it but did not think it was ‘me’. Then on a lark, I just did it. Jumped in without testing the water. I was pleased that I was capable of creating it, but surprisingly, it brought with it an onslaught of emotion. Am I a good enough writer? Will I use too many commas? Will anyone read it? Why hasn’t anyone replied or emailed me a response? (A few friends did email about it). It also felt like an assignment and I was initially frustrated with myself for having started it because now I had to keep up regularly. It seemed a chore. Capturing storied of our travels for sharing and for posterity is certainly worthwhile, but it felt opposite of what I came here to do. During the days we experienced Spain, and at night I didn’t want to recount it all, I just wanted to absorb.

At the same time, I have felt some guilt (as all good jewish girls do) in having a joyous time here while our dear friend Rebecca is home recovering from being hit by a car. Adam’s daily postings have given us strength, knowing that she is getting better. But not being able to be there for her in person has been difficult. I know she would rejoice in what we are experiencing here, and this adventure has meaning for us, no doubt. But it pales in comparison to the meaningfulness that her friendship and the love of our entire community hold in our hearts. Other friends have also experienced personal challenges while we’ve been gone that have been shared over email. It has been hard being so removed geographically and in a sort of bubble while things that are so critical to life and love and friendship continue to test us all unexpectedly. You all should know that you are with us daily.

So with all that, I have been remiss. My apologies to any of you who actually came here from time to time to read about what we were up to. Sorry for keeping you waiting….and thanks for being there.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program….

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